Fall Brings More Than Hurricanes and Rain
Hurricanes bring lots of rain, which makes fall a very wet season for all north Georgia. For people who suffer from allergies, fall can be as hard as the spring pollen season. So, if everything blooms in the spring, why do we have so much sensitivity in the fall?
· Not everything blooms in the spring. Ragweed and some other plants are most prevalent in the fall months, and the spores go EVERYWHERE! The rains do tend to clean out some of the spores floating in the air, but as soon as we have a dry day the wind carries the spores far and wide. Plant spores can travel for hundreds of miles on a windy day, and weeds release these spores from the end of summer into October.
· While the rains do help control the weed spores, they also encourage the fall leaves to mold while they decompose on the ground. Mold loves to grow in wet places and, like pollen, also has spores. Those spores are kicked up by raking or blowing the leaves to clean the yard and then by kids playing in the piles. Even just hiking through fallen leaves can stir them up enough to release the spores. These spores can cause the same sort of allergic reaction that pollen causes in the spring.
· While we all love to get a break from the summer heat, having to turn on the heating unit in your home that has been dormant for months now also has one more fun surprise for you. Dust settled in the air ducts attract dust mites which are blown all over the house when you turn the unit on for the first time in the fall. While dust mites are around all year, people tend to have a more sensitive reaction to them being blown through the air as opposed to sitting on surfaces.
So now that we know what causes fall allergies, what do we do about it? A lot of the things we do in the spring for pollen also work in the fall for ragweed, mold and dust mites.
· Keep doors and windows closed and change filters regularly. While we love the cooler air of the season, letting in the fall breeze will bring more than fresh air into the home. This is especially true when pollen is being stirred up the most (late morning to midafternoon) or the breeze is noticeably blowing. Be sure to remove shoes at the door since they track in the plant and mold spores from outside. The air filters in your A/C and heating units should be changed at least monthly while they are in active use and changed before you use the heat the first time after it has been sitting dormant. HEPA filters work best, but keeping any filters changed regularly will help to some degree. If you can schedule it, an air duct cleaning before first use of the heat may really help with the dust mites.
· If you are sensitive to mold, do not rake or blow leaves to clean your yard. Hire someone to do it for you. If you must do it yourself, be sure to use PPE (Personal Protective Equipment) such as a KN-95 mask and clothing that covers as much skin as possible. The mask is important because it covers the mouth and nose and filters smaller particulates than standard fabric masks or neck gaiters commonly used in public these days. The mask MUST cover both the mouth and nose to be effective since most people breathe in air through both when actively doing something. Also avoid walks through the woods in the fall. Even if you are not disturbing the leaves, you are still exposed to allergens floating in the air from other disturbances caused by wildlife and other hikers.
· Dust mites are harder to manage because they are already inside the home. Some tricks that help? Encase pillows and mattresses in allergen proof covers if possible to shield you from the favorite homes of dust mites. Wash all your bedding weekly in hot water and high heat to help kill anything that resists being washed off completely. Wipe down all hard surfaces, such as counters, regularly with a damp cloth to trap and remove dust. Since carpets and upholstery are also dust mite “hot spots,” have them cleaned regularly to remove both the mites and dust they love from the carpet. ServiceMaster of Gwinnett and ServiceMaster 5 Points can help you expertly clean your carpets and upholstery to remove the dust, mites and spores that tend to cause allergy symptoms. We can also help with cleaning hardwood floors since dust collects there too.