Tips for a Safe and Happy 2021 Holiday Season

For many of us, the holidays last year were cancelled. People were encouraged to avoid gatherings and travel in 2020 to keep down the spread of COVID. Since travel, gatherings and family togetherness are the point of the holidays, people want to be together this year more than ever. While it is wonderful to be able to plan for this, there are still some measures that will help make the holidays memorable for good reasons, not bad.

ServiceMaster and Covid

For over a year now our country has suffered under ever-changing lifestyle restrictions in reaction to an extremely infectious new virus called SARS-CoV-2. We all have been told by government agencies what we must do to prevent the spread of this virus. “Isolate for two weeks to flatten the curve” quickly became “stay at home and do not associate with others unless absolutely necessary.” As a result, many businesses ceased operations and closed forever.

Introducing ServiceMaster of Gwinnett & ServiceMaster 5 Points Athens

When your office or home is struck by a natural disaster or other unfortunate circumstance, ServiceMaster of Gwinnett and ServiceMaster 5 Points have the resources and personnel to clean up and restore your property and belongings quickly.